Thursday, 23 February 2012

Photoshop Tutorial: Desaturated A Photo and Color Only Specific Object by using Selection Tool

Original Photo
1. Drag your photo layer to the button "create new layer" below, to make a copy of your original photo.

2. Select Polygonal Lasso Tool and apply feather about 5px (depend on the size of your photo). Since feather is applied, you do not need select the object you want to select precisely.
3. Select >> Inverse (Shift + Ctrl + I) and Image >> Adjustment >> Desaturate (Shift + Ctrl + U). Then the object you want to color will be in color with the background in black and white.
4. To make easier for color editing, I will click Select >> Inverse again to select back the object and press delete. Since you already make a copy of it in earlier stage, the object will remain in color.
5. Make some adjustment of the color by select the layer of your original photo. Image>>Adjustment>>Brightness/Contrast. Just play around with the brightness and contrast.
6. Do apply the same to the layer in black and white color.

The final photo.

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